Free Smalltalk Ebooks Download

Smalltalk is a dynamic object oriented programming language designed by Alan Kay, Dan Ingalls, Adele Goldberg, Ted Kaehler and Scott Wallace. Smalltalk's design started on 1969 and published on 1980. Smalltalk got influence from programming languages such as Lisp, Simula and Logo etc. Various version of Smalltalk are Smalltalk-71, Smalltalk-72, Smalltalk-76, Smalltalk-80 Version 1, Smalltalk-80 Version 2, etc. Major implementations of Smalltalk are Squeak and VisualWorks.
Smalltalk programs are first compiled to bytecode and then the virtual machine dynamically coded this bytecode into machine language. Smalltalk-80 has reflective systems with good OOPS concepts and syntax of instructions are minimized. Major implementation of Smalltalk language are Bistro, IBM VisualAge Smalltalk, VisualWorks, Ambrai Smalltalk, Visual Smalltalk Enterprise, Vista Smalltalk, Smalltalk MT, F-Script, Dolphin Smalltalk and GNU Smalltalk, etc.
In this posting i wish to provide you free Smalltalk ebooks download links through which you can learn basic and advanced Smalltalk coding, features of Smalltalk, various Smalltalk versions, Smalltalk Class library, Smalltalk Garbage Collector, Smalltalk OOPS Concepts, art and science of Smalltalk, Practical Smalltalk, Application development using Visualworks, Smalltalk Object and Design and Smalltalk-80 programming, etc.
Following are the free Smalltalk ebooks download links. Visit these ebook links and familiarize with Smalltalk features and Various Smalltalk implementations and its programming.
  1. Smalltalk: Getting The Message View/Download
  2. Design Principles Behind Smalltalk View/Download
  3. Smalltalk-80: The Language and Its Implementation View/Download
  4. Smalltalk-72 Instruction Manual View/Download
  5. Smalltalk-80: The Language and its Implementation View/Download
  6. The Smalltalk-76 Programming System Design and Implementation View/Download
  7. Smalltalk by Example: the Developer's Guide View/Download
  8. Smalltalk With Style (Volume One) View/Download
  9. Smalltalk Textbook (in English) View/Download
  10. IBM Smalltalk Tutorial View/Download
  11. SmallTalk Tutorial for Java Programmers View/Download
  12. Inside Smalltalk (Volume One) View/Download
  13. Inside Smalltalk (Volume Two) View/Download
  14. A Little Smalltalk View/Download
  15. The Art and Science of Smalltalk View/Download
  16. Practical Smalltalk: Using Smalltalk/V View/Download
  17. Smalltalk An Introduction to Application Development using VisualWorks View/Download
  18. Smalltalk and Object Orientation: an Introduction View/Download
  19. Smalltalk V Tutorial View/Download
  20. The Taste of Smalltalk View/Download
  21. The Joy Of Smalltalk View/Download
  22. Smalltalk-80, Bits of History, Words of Advice View/Download
  23. Smalltalk-80, The Interactive Programming Environment View/Download
  24. DRAFTS of Squeak, Open Personal Computing and Multimedia View/Download
  25. Beginners Guide to Smalltalk View/Download
  26. M206 Smalltalk Programming Tutorial View/Download
  27. A Tutorial for GNU Smalltalk View/Download

Free Shell Scripting Ebooks Download

Shell Script are languages written for operating system's shell and thus we can say Shell Script is platform dependent. For Unix operating system there is bash shell, for windows cmd.exe, for dos and other Shell Script languages are AppleScript, Windows Script Host, Korn Shell, Bourne Shell, JCL and C Shell, etc. All these Shell Scripting languages has command line interpreter and supports command line interface.
Shell scripting are easy to write even for non-programmers also. Shell script are used for debugging, file manipulation, program execution with decision etc. In shell interface, users can type various commands according to operating systems kernel specification. In Unix, Gnome and KDE are called Visual Shell. Bourne Shell, Korn Shell, C Shell etc are also used in various Unix Versions.
In this posting i wish to provide you free Shell Scripting or Shell Programming Ebooks Download links. You can learn basic shell scripting languages, Shell programming and application, Unix Korn Shell, AWK programming, Bash Shell Scripting, Sed Tutorial, Unix Bourne Shell Programming, GNU Bash Reference and POSIX, etc.
Following are free shell scripting ebooks download links. Visit these links and learn various shell scripting languages in different operating systems.
  1. Shell Scripting/Programming Ebooks Collection View/Download
  2. Sams teach Yourself Shell Programming in 24 Hours View/Download
  3. An Introduction to C Shell (Csh) View/Download
  4. AppleScript View/Download
  5. MVS JCL'S Users Guide View/Download
  6. MVS JCL Reference View/Download
  7. Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial - a Beginners Guide View/Download
  8. Programming the Unix/Linux Shell View/Download
  9. Unix/Linux Shell Scripting Tutorial View/Download
  10. Unix manual Page for Korn Shell (Ksh) View/Download
  11. Korn Shell Reference Guide View/Download
  12. ksh 93 FAQ View/Download
  13. ksh 93 User Commands View/Download
  14. ksh 88 User Commands View/Download
  15. pdksh - the Public Domain Korn Shell View/Download
  16. Shell (Computing) View/Download
  17. Learning the Korn Shell View/Download
  18. The Unix Shell Guide View/Download
  19. Learning the Shell View/Download
  20. Bash Reference Manual View/Download
  21. Bash Guide for Beginners View/Download
  22. Advanced Bash Scripting Tutorial View/Download
  23. Bash Scripting Tutorial View/Download
  24. Fundamental Programming in Bourne again shell (bash) View/Download
  25. Unix Shell Script Tutorials & Reference View/Download
  26. Csh Programming Considered Harmful View/Download
  27. Wicked Cool Shell Scripts View/Download
  28. The Dos Batch File Programming handbook and Tutorial View/Download
  29. Windows Script Host (Wsh) Reference View/Download
  30. Wsh Primer View/Download
  31. Job Control Language JCL Introduction View/Download
  32. Writing Shell Scripts View/Download
  33. Example Shell Scripts View/Download
  34. Easy Shell Scripting View/Download
  35. POSIX and Korn Shell View/Download
  36. The awk Programming Language View/Download
  37. Effective awk Programming View/Download
  38. Sed - An Introduction View/Download
  39. Unix and Linux - Sed View/Download
  40. An introduction to C Shell (Csh) View/Download
  41. GNU Bash Reference Manual View/Download

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