Free Scientific Computing Ebooks Download

Scientific Computing or Computational Science or Numerical Computation is the branch of Computer Science and is used for solving problems in scientific and engineering field with the aid of computers. Various mathematical models and numerical solution techniques are used for this. Main application of this field is in Computer Simulation. Scientific computing systems involve in massive calculations and thus executed in super computers and parallel computers.
Few applications of Numerical computation are numerical simulations, model fitting and data analysis and optimization, etc. Several models and algorithms used in computational science are numerical analysis, Taylor series, Automatic differentiations, finite differences, graph theory suites, rectangular rule, trapezoidal rule, Simpson's rule, Runga kutta method, monte carlo methods, numerical linear algebra, Discrete fourier transform, newton's method, time stepping methods, Gaussian Elimination Methods etc.
In this posting i wish to provide you free scientific computing ebooks which will guide you to learn Scientific computing and numerical methods used by engineers and scientists, Methods in Acoustics, numerical computation, multigrid methods, numerical methods and data analysis, Electronics transactions on numerical analysis and data analysis, etc.
Following are free Numerical computation ebooks download links. Visit these links and familiarize with scientific computing and its applications.
  1. What every Computer Scientist should know about Floating Point Arithmetic View/Download
  2. A Beginer's Course in Boundary Elements Methods View/Download
  3. The Boundary Elements methods in Acoustics View/Download
  4. Numerical Computation Guide View/Download
  5. An introduction to Multigrid Methods View/Download
  6. An introduction to Multigrid Methods for large scale computations View/Download
  7. Numerical Methods for Electrical and Computer Engineers View/Download
  8. Numerical Methods Course Notes View/Download
  9. Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing View/Download
  10. Fundamental Numerical Methods and Data Analysis View/Download
  11. Numerical Computing with MATLAB View/Download
  12. Numerical Receipes in C View/Download
  13. Numerical Receipes in Fortan 77 View/Download
  14. Numerical Receipes in Fortan 99 View/Download
  15. GNU Scientific Library - Reference Manual View/Download
  16. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis View/Download
  17. LAPACK User's Guide View/Download
  18. OCTAVE: Interactive Language for Numerical Computation View/Download

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